Endurance on 8th Health Centre
Monday, September 28, 2009 at 7:49PM
Kevin in Endurance on 8th Health Centre Biggest Loser Challengehttp://www.endurance8healt

So excited to have started a blog....

We are off to an amazing start this September, Doctors' Kevin and Wendy have been chosen to take an amazing client named Stacy through a 12 week biggest loser competition on City TV's breakfast TV (calgary, channel 8).

The competition started on September 23 and so far Stacy has completed a workout everyday!
Endurance on 8th health centre, has five other girls who are training along with Stacy with hopes of becoming Endurance on 8th health's biggest loser (most weight lost). The ladies hope to achieve this with a custom nutrition and personal training plan, and lots and lots of support from each other.

Stacy, Kevin and Wendy will be back on Breakfast TV this Wednesday September 30 between 6am-8:45am, calgary channel 8 (City TV). We will be talking about the best exercises for weight loss and just having fun as we usually do!

Check out our website to learn more about us at www.endurance8health.com

Article originally appeared on Endurance on 8th Health Centre (http://endurance8health.squarespace.com/).
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