Entries in IDFA 2011 (6)


Endurance on 8th's Steph Marques goes to IDFA Universe Show

On November 5, 2011 IDFA Pro Fitness Model Steph Marques competed in her first Universe Pro Show. Endurance on 8th Health Centre is so proud of Steph, being the only representative from Western Canada to compete as a fitness model in this Pro show. What an achievement!

Steph Marques placed 4th in her first Universe Show!  Steph has a lot to be proud of because she just signed on to become an Ambassador for Dynamis Nutrition and Supplement Company!

Please check out Steph Marques' Life in the Off-season Workshop series at www.stephmarques.com

Congrats Again Steph, we are very proud of you and so excited to see what is next!



Endurance 8 Team Earns Two more IDFA Pro titles!

Geno Bast, Novice BodybuilderOn October 22, 2011 Dr. Kevin Ashby and Dr. Wendy Carvalho-Ashby hosted the IDFA Western Canada Classic at Mount Royal University. Over 70 athletes competed and brought incredible physiques to the IDFA stage. Endurance on 8th health centre would like to congratulate all of the athletes that we coached, and trained for the show. We are very proud of the following athletes who have become part of the Endurance 8 team/family:

Meet Our New Figure and Fitness Model Pro Card Winners!!!! 

Sally Rotlisberger Win's Her Figure Pro Card!

Steph Lawlor Win's Her Fitness Model Pro Card









Fitness Model Novice silver medalist, Keagen Cave: Way to go Keagen, Sam and all of the Fit-Campers are so proud of you as well!

Keagen Cave, Fitness Model Novice Silver Medalist!

Fitness Model & Figure Novice top 10 placing for Peggy Cave: We are so proud of you Peggy, you had another amzazing transformation. Peggy did an I am proud to be an IDFA athlete video that was so good it was presented at the IDFA show! Peggy is a mother of two and her youngest is only 18 months old, way to go Peggy!

Peggy Cave Fitness Model Novice

Figure Master's top ten placing for Stephanie Felker: Super Mom, and wonderful inspiration! Stephanie, we are so proud of you, and excited that you were able to achieve this goal and have had a baby only 11 months earlier.

Third from Left, figure masters Stephanie Felker
Novice Bodybuilding top five placing for Geno Bast: What an incredible transformation Geno, we can't wait to see that pro card in your hands in future competitions!

First in line up Novice Bodybuilder Geno Bast

We are also very proud of all of the athletes that we helped with competition preparation, i.e nutrition coaching, and posing, as well to all of the athletes that attended our competition workshop!




Dr. Kevin Ashby Interviews Steph Marques on the IDFA Show

Check out this interview with IDFA Pro Fitness Model Steph Marques! Calgary’s Steph Marques will be competing on November 5 at the IDFA World Championships & Pro Universe in Toronto, Canada. Will she be the first IDFA Pro Universe Fitness Model Champion! For more on Steph, check her out at www.stephmarques.com.

IDFA Workshop - Saturday, September 17, 2011

SAVE THE DATE: Dr. Wendy & Dr. Kevin's Next IDFA workshop will be Saturday September 17 from 12-4:00 pm. More details about Give-Away's are coming. To reserve your spot early, call us!



Bodybuilding, Figure & Fitness Model Championships
• IDFA Pro Qualifier

Mount Royal University Leacock Theatre
4825 Mount Royal Gate SW
Calgary, AB

2:30pm – IDFA Western Canada Classic NOVICE Championships (Judging and Awards) - $40.00
6:30pm – IDFA Western Canada Classic OPEN & MASTERS Championships (Judging and Awards) - $40.00

ONLINE: http://www.mtroyal.ca/tickets or https://tickets.mtroyal.ca
PHONE: 403.440.7770
IN PERSON: Tickets can be purchased at the box office on day of show 

Men's Bodybuilding: Novice, Masters, Open*
Women's Fitness Model: Novice, Open*
Women's Figure: Novice, Masters, Open*
*Open Overall Champion will earn and IDFA Pro Card

Western Canada Classic Winners Win Free Entry to the IDFA World Championships & Pro U!
All class winners will be awarded FREE entry to compete in the IDFA World Championships & Pro Universe on November 5 in Toronto, Canada.