Entries in NPAA 2013 (10)


Holiday Survival Tips

Surviving that yummy holiday temptation....

We all look forward to time off with our families, sitting around in the kitchen gabbing, laughing and trying out some family recipes. However, the week after many of us feel sluggish, maybe even a bit guilty for a bit of holiday overindulgence. So the question is how do you get through the big dinner without compromising your health and fitness goals?

1. Get out earlier that day and go for a workout, power walk with the family or just play outside with the kids. If you can follow this level of activity for at least one hour you are destined to burn between 200-700 extra calories.

2. Drink lots of water that day, so you will feel fuller and also keep your thirst in check so you are less likely to go for sweets or other food cravings that we often think we need when we are actually just dehydrated and need some clean H2O.

3. Have the lean protein such as the white turkey breast (skin off), chicken breast or fish.  If you are vegetarian or vegan consume high protein vegetables (beans, lentils, peas, kale, etc). Say no to gravy, extra sauces or salty additions.

4. Say yes to veggies and salad. We often tell clients and patients, if you are invited out for dinner and are unsure of what will be on the table, then bring the host a very nice garden salad, not only are you being helpful you know it is one item you can eat!

5. Say no to alcohol, 1 drink is approximately 100 calories (1.5 oz of hard alcohol or wine or beer) if you have three that is 300 calories, if you have 10 that is equivalent to 1 pound of extra weight you have just put on. Remember 1 pound of body fat is 3500 calories, so the little extras really add up.

Last but not least, remember to have fun and be proud of your commitment to living a healthy lifestyle and remember to give thanks to those people and things around you that you feel proud to be around or have accomplished this year!



NPAA Workshop - March 8, 2014

Please join us on March 8, 2013 for our competition preparation workshop in Calgary in preparation for the upcoming NPAA Canada Classic! Last March, we had 125+ athletes from across Canada travel to attend our workshops in Calgary and British Columbia for the NPAA March Madness Super Weekend!

Do not miss this opportunity to learn from the best! Our NPAA Workshops are the #1 most attended and athlete/coach-endorsed seminar in the industry! Over the last 7 years 1000+ athletes have graduated from our workshops and shined on the competition stage. Our delivery is non-intimidating, fun, athlete/coach-focused, and full of information that every competitor needs to succeed on the competition stage and onward.

Expect the highest standards of competition preparation... We don't just teach simple posing... We teach you how to compete... We introduce you to the best vendors in the industry... We provide the best swag, prizes, and scholarships because NATURALLY you deserve nothing but the best!

NPAA Workshop vendors and sponsors include:
Endurance on 8th Health Centre
Magnum Nutraceuticals
Dynamis Fitness and Lifestyle Inc.
Official NPAA Photographer, Tim Dardis Photography 
CABA Fashions Competition Suit and Active Wear 
Mipstick Boutique Competition Shoes and Accessories
Bronze Baxx Tanning Studio 

Registration for the NPAA Workshop (Calgary) is open at http://npaa.ca/events/npaa-workshop-bodybuilding-physique-figure-model-march-8-201.html

Expect excellence... Become the best natural athlete you can be... THIS IS OUR SPORT!


Cynthia Coleman Mom Transformation: Top 5 Figure Athlete!

"I have been active for many years between running marathons, sprint triathlons, and going to the gym. I am always up for a new challenge to push myself to a new level so when my co-worker recommend I try a body competition I was up for the challenge. He recommended that I talk to Kevin and Wendy at Endurance on 8th as they know their stuff.

December 2012 I made that call and met with Kevin.  After that first meeting I left the office super stoked and ready for this next challenge.  I was given a meal plan and training plan that pushed my limits. Photos were sent to Wendy weekly making sure my progress was going in the right direction and honest feedback was given. Every few weeks Kevin and I would meet and go over my training and nutrition making sure everything was going good and there were no issues.  I was pushed to be my best with the programs. Some of them workouts I thought I was actually going to die but that feeling you get when you completed is such a feeling of satisfaction.

The support and inspiration that I received from Kevin and Wendy made this experience so enjoyable that I am still working with them and looking at doing another competition in November.

Thank you Kevin and Wendy"


"No Pain, No Gain" Leads to Repetitive Strains 

There is nothing worse than being at the peak of your training, feeling great, making continuous gains, and then.. injury strikes, taking all the fun out of your workout. Anybody involved in weight training should educate themselves on common injuries and prevention strategies.

Whenever muscles and tendons are overloaded or overstretched, tiny tears can occur in the tissue. The local area becomes inflamed for a short time as the body attempts to repair the damage. Repeated and forceful movements strain the tendons, irritate them and cause local inflammation and thickening. At this stage, the area may feel painful. Normally, the body would repair the damage and the pain would go away. However, without enough rest, more activity causes further damage leading to more inflammation, tendon thickening, scar tissue and pain. This cycle gets progressively worse and can become chronic if proper treatment is not taken. These injuries are classified as repetitive strain injuries (RSI).

RSI’s present an increasingly common challenge to clinicians and although common to all athletes, they are highly prevalent among the bodybuilding community. The intense training that bodybuilders undergo can place tremendous stress on the tissues setting them up for strains. RSI’s can result from repetitive heavy lifting with poor posture or improper ergonomics. These injuries can become quite a burden as many individuals will require time away from the activity to rest and heal the damaged tissue.  Pain is often a symptom of an RSI and therefore it’s important to recognise and appreciate the difference between normal muscles soreness and injury. It’s okay to have muscle soreness after a big workout, it’s part of the recovery phase. However, if the pain does not dramatically decrease within a day or two and it limits your range of motion and function you may be looking at an injury.

RSI’s can be managed successfully by non-surgical methods in most cases with a combination of activity modification, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, therapeutic modalities and specific exercise for flexibility, strength and endurance. Use common sense in this situation – if a certain activity causes an exacerbation of pain, chances are it is causing damage. Let the injured area rest and seek advice on why the injury happened in the first place. If you continue to work out in the same manner you should expect the same results, in this case - injury. Taking a short break from a certain exercise or two will be much less debilitating to your performance than developing a chronic condition. Consulting with an exercise specialist such as a physiotherapist or a chiropractor during the initial onset of symptoms can save you a lot of grief, frustration and loss of strength.


For a successful bodybuilder, prevention of an RSI is key.

Always warm up and stretch prior to any weight training or cardio activity. This is necessary to increase the blood flow and oxygen to the exercising muscles and prevent strains. Remember that 10-20 minutes can be the difference between seeing or losing big gains.  

Muscle balance - think symmetry. It’s not only for looks, it’s important to prevent injury. If the muscles on one side of the joint are strong (ie. chest) and the muscles on the other side are weak (ie. back) it can cause unnecessary stress to the body and lead to poor posture, technique, and RSI’s.

Concentrate on what you’re doing. Unnecessary gym injuries often happen because someone’s mind is not on the exercise. You must be focused on the task at hand and be conscious of your movements. Having good posture and technique greatly reduces the odds of having an injury– mirrors can be your new best friend.

Wear proper footwear.  Our feet have a big job to do in supporting us during our workouts, you should do your best to keep them happy and supportive.

Go at your own pace. Don’t worry what anyone else is doing or how much they are lifting – if you try and lift heavier than your body is ready for you will end up getting hurt.   

Use wraps as necessary. They can provide extra stability to our joints and reduce strain on our muscles and tendons.

Drink and eat properly for your lifestyle. Dehydration can have a dramatic effect on your muscles and their performance so make sure to drink plenty of water during and after a workout.  Food is the fuel for our muscles and body building requires specific nutritional demands. Consult with a nutrition specialist to become informed on how to eat to reduce the risk for injury.

When an athlete is better informed of when treatment is necessary and what is available it is beneficial to their training and performance. Common areas for strains in body builders include the neck, back, shoulder, elbow and knee although they can occur around any joint in the body. A few other examples of common injuries that can be treated conservatively by your therapist include rotator cuff impingement, ACL sprains, meniscal injuries, bursitis, nerve entrapment, pectoral and quadriceps tears and many others. Remember it’s better to consult with your therapist at the early onset of symptoms for optimal healing and recovery.

Please click here for more information about our services or here to contact us today!


Join The Endurance Fit Stairs Bootcamp Today!!!

We are happy to announce that the 5:30 pm Endurance Fit Stairs Bootcamp will run for 6 weeks this fall! Starting September 30th, cost $185 and it will run 2 days per week (Mondays and Wednesdays)! If you need a reason to train, eliminate the post-Summer bulge, or want to get ready for a photo shoot join us this fall for the Bootcamp!

Please call us at 403-265-8383 or email info@endurance8health.com to register!