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NPAA Workshop - March 8, 2014

Please join us on March 8, 2013 for our competition preparation workshop in Calgary in preparation for the upcoming NPAA Canada Classic! Last March, we had 125+ athletes from across Canada travel to attend our workshops in Calgary and British Columbia for the NPAA March Madness Super Weekend!

Do not miss this opportunity to learn from the best! Our NPAA Workshops are the #1 most attended and athlete/coach-endorsed seminar in the industry! Over the last 7 years 1000+ athletes have graduated from our workshops and shined on the competition stage. Our delivery is non-intimidating, fun, athlete/coach-focused, and full of information that every competitor needs to succeed on the competition stage and onward.

Expect the highest standards of competition preparation... We don't just teach simple posing... We teach you how to compete... We introduce you to the best vendors in the industry... We provide the best swag, prizes, and scholarships because NATURALLY you deserve nothing but the best!

NPAA Workshop vendors and sponsors include:
Endurance on 8th Health Centre
Magnum Nutraceuticals
Dynamis Fitness and Lifestyle Inc.
Official NPAA Photographer, Tim Dardis Photography 
CABA Fashions Competition Suit and Active Wear 
Mipstick Boutique Competition Shoes and Accessories
Bronze Baxx Tanning Studio 

Registration for the NPAA Workshop (Calgary) is open at http://npaa.ca/events/npaa-workshop-bodybuilding-physique-figure-model-march-8-201.html

Expect excellence... Become the best natural athlete you can be... THIS IS OUR SPORT!

References (42)

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    Endurance on 8th Health Centre - Blog - NPAA Workshop - March 8, 2014
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    Endurance on 8th Health Centre - Blog - NPAA Workshop - March 8, 2014
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    Endurance on 8th Health Centre - Blog - NPAA Workshop - March 8, 2014
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    Endurance on 8th Health Centre - Blog - NPAA Workshop - March 8, 2014
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    Endurance on 8th Health Centre - Blog - NPAA Workshop - March 8, 2014
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    Endurance on 8th Health Centre - Blog - NPAA Workshop - March 8, 2014
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    Endurance on 8th Health Centre - Blog - NPAA Workshop - March 8, 2014
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    Endurance on 8th Health Centre - Blog - NPAA Workshop - March 8, 2014
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    Endurance on 8th Health Centre - Blog - NPAA Workshop - March 8, 2014
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    Endurance on 8th Health Centre - Blog - NPAA Workshop - March 8, 2014

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