Entries in Workshops (5)


Trending on Shaw Interview with Dr. Kevin Ashby

Please tune in to Shaw Channel 10 (Calgary) at 10:00 am on Friday, December 5, 2014 where Dr. Kevin Ashby will be discussing the history of the Natural Physique & Athletics Association (NPAA).  He will also recap the successful NPAA Canada Championships & Magnum Instincts Pro Show, which took place at the University Theatre (University of Calgary) on November 8, 2014!  Congratulations to all the Team Endurance Athletes who competed very well in this event!  All of the athletes were inspiring and deserve tremendous praise for the hard work they put on display that day.  This Is Our Sport! 

For more information, please go to http://shaw.ca/ShawTV/Calgary/Shows/TrendingOnShaw/ or click "here"


NPAA Workshop - March 8, 2014

Please join us on March 8, 2013 for our competition preparation workshop in Calgary in preparation for the upcoming NPAA Canada Classic! Last March, we had 125+ athletes from across Canada travel to attend our workshops in Calgary and British Columbia for the NPAA March Madness Super Weekend!

Do not miss this opportunity to learn from the best! Our NPAA Workshops are the #1 most attended and athlete/coach-endorsed seminar in the industry! Over the last 7 years 1000+ athletes have graduated from our workshops and shined on the competition stage. Our delivery is non-intimidating, fun, athlete/coach-focused, and full of information that every competitor needs to succeed on the competition stage and onward.

Expect the highest standards of competition preparation... We don't just teach simple posing... We teach you how to compete... We introduce you to the best vendors in the industry... We provide the best swag, prizes, and scholarships because NATURALLY you deserve nothing but the best!

NPAA Workshop vendors and sponsors include:
Endurance on 8th Health Centre
Magnum Nutraceuticals
Dynamis Fitness and Lifestyle Inc.
Official NPAA Photographer, Tim Dardis Photography 
CABA Fashions Competition Suit and Active Wear 
Mipstick Boutique Competition Shoes and Accessories
Bronze Baxx Tanning Studio 

Registration for the NPAA Workshop (Calgary) is open at http://npaa.ca/events/npaa-workshop-bodybuilding-physique-figure-model-march-8-201.html

Expect excellence... Become the best natural athlete you can be... THIS IS OUR SPORT!


2012 Brings Exciting New Change!!! Welcome NPAA to Canada!!!

We are very proud to announce that Calgary, Alberta will be the headquarters for a new, innovative and exciting bodybuilding, figure and model organization. The NPAA (Natural Physique and Athletics Association) is founded by Dr. Kevin Ashby and Dr. Wendy Carvalho-Ashby. Both Kevin and Wendy have been actively involved in the physique and athletics community as competitors, Doctors, trainers, nutrition coaches, directors and now as the presidents of NPAA."We love this sport and as such take great pride in providing athletes with the best possible experience they can have on and off the competition stage".

The Natural Physique and Athletics Association will provide athletes the opportunity to earn their "All Canadian" NPAA Elite-Pro Status.  The unique aspect of our federation is that athletes will have the ability to go past the traditional Canadian Pro-Card level, and they can advance from Elite-Pro status and earn an International Fitness & Physique Association (IFPA) Pro card.  NPAA is the only Canadian Amateur Affiliate for the IFPA, allowing competitors from Canada to qualify for "true natural international events" as IFPA pro's. 

The NPAA Canadian Classic will be held on May 20, 2012 at The University of Calgary Theatre. Athletes in the categories of bodybuilding, figure, fitness model, bikini model and masters will grace the stage and compete. We are excited to announce that Dynamis will be searching for athletes to sponsor at the NPAA Canada Classic!  

We are thrilled to have your support, and encourage you to visit and "like" our facebook page and event pages so you can be updated on current NPAA news!

Happy New Year, and lets have an incredible year of training, health, wellness and competing in a sport we love!!


IDFA Workshop - Saturday, September 17, 2011

SAVE THE DATE: Dr. Wendy & Dr. Kevin's Next IDFA workshop will be Saturday September 17 from 12-4:00 pm. More details about Give-Away's are coming. To reserve your spot early, call us!


IDFA Annual Winter Workshop 

Endurance on 8th Health Centre's Super Doc's Host Another Amazing IDFA Workshop
We were so proud of the 55 registrants who enthusiastically attended our March 2011 IDFA workshop. To this date this is the largest camp we have held and it was truly our pleasure to work with aspiring fitness models, figure athletes and bodybuilders from all around Alberta!

These future competitors learned what it takes to do their best on show day, which by the way is Saturday May 7, at Mount Royal University, in Calgary. As the only official IDFA camp for the Western Canada Classic, we pride ourselves on teaching the proper way to pose, how to rock it on stage for your T-walk, and confidence on stage showing those mandatory bodybuilding poses for the guys. We were sponsored by the best in the industry, CABA fashions, Bronze Baxx tanning, Allmax, Interactive Nutrition and of course Endurance on 8th Health Centre.

We can't wait to see all of the athletes on May 7, and are counting down the days until our Fall Workshop!!!