Entries in Chiro Tips (19)


Back To School - Backpack Safety For Children

The Alberta College and Association of Chiropractors has long been a huge proponent of backpack safety for children.   

That’s why, as the pencils are sharpened, the smell of fresh Velcro litters the air, and your kids come to the realization their summer is coming to an end, we like to highlight the importance of protecting childrens' bodies when it comes to what is considered an essential back-to-school purchase. 

According to a study by the University of California, 61 per cent of school children analyzed had backpacks exceeding 10 per cent of their body weight. Those carrying the heaviest backpacks had a 50 per cent higher risk of back pain. This goes along with the fact that over 50 per cent of Canadian youth will suffer at least one back pain episode during their school years.

Choosing the right backpack, ensuring your child packs it light, and wears it the correct way, can go a long way in preventing them pain, both now and down the road.

Choosing the right backpack 

Upon entering the store, your child may flock to the [insert popular kids movie of the summer here] themed backpacks, but it’s important to help them pick their backpack based on substance, not style.

When looking for a back pack you should look for the following things:

  • Choose a bag made of lightweight material, such as vinyl or canvas.
  • Pick a bag that has two wide, adjustable and padded shoulder straps, along with a hip or waist strap, a padded back and plenty of pockets.
  • Ensure the bag is proportionate to body size and no larger than needed. The top of the pack should not extend higher than the top of the shoulder, and the bottom should not fall below the top of the hipbone.
  • Explore other options like bags with wheels and a pull handle for easy rolling.


Packing it with the right weight

The type of backpack your kids are using is key, but the weight your kids are putting in them is of equal importance. 

The total weight of the pack should not exceed 10 to 15 per cent of the wearer’s body weight. A typical 10-year-old boy’s weight in Canada is estimated at around 50 lbs. A child this size should only be carrying around 7.5 lbs. maximum.

Also, keep in mind that the weight should be distributed within the pack evenly. It’s a good idea to pack the heaviest items close to the body as this reduces the strain because the weight is closer to the body’s own centre of gravity.


Wearing it correctly

It’s important to teach your child the proper way wear their backpack as well. Slinging the backpack over one shoulder can cause stress on the joints and muscles in the mid and lower back. Both shoulder straps should always be used and adjusted so the pack fits snugly against the body. You should be able to slide a hand between the backpack and the wearer’s back.

If you’ve bought a bag with a waist strap, ensure that they do it up as it reduces the strain on the back and transfers some of the load to the hips. 

To ensure your child’s back is healthy and strong, consult your chiropractor. They can teach you and your child how to pack, lift and carry a backpack properly to prevent injury.


Pull Up Variations

Try adding these pull up variations to your current training routine.

Looking for a quick routine for your busy schedule?

Try completing 5 sets of the below exercises and

contact us today for customized plans:

5 Pull Ups (any of the above options)
5 Push Ups
5 Jump Squats
5 Burpees
5 Split Lunges



Holiday Survival Tips

Surviving that yummy holiday temptation....

We all look forward to time off with our families, sitting around in the kitchen gabbing, laughing and trying out some family recipes. However, the week after many of us feel sluggish, maybe even a bit guilty for a bit of holiday overindulgence. So the question is how do you get through the big dinner without compromising your health and fitness goals?

1. Get out earlier that day and go for a workout, power walk with the family or just play outside with the kids. If you can follow this level of activity for at least one hour you are destined to burn between 200-700 extra calories.

2. Drink lots of water that day, so you will feel fuller and also keep your thirst in check so you are less likely to go for sweets or other food cravings that we often think we need when we are actually just dehydrated and need some clean H2O.

3. Have the lean protein such as the white turkey breast (skin off), chicken breast or fish.  If you are vegetarian or vegan consume high protein vegetables (beans, lentils, peas, kale, etc). Say no to gravy, extra sauces or salty additions.

4. Say yes to veggies and salad. We often tell clients and patients, if you are invited out for dinner and are unsure of what will be on the table, then bring the host a very nice garden salad, not only are you being helpful you know it is one item you can eat!

5. Say no to alcohol, 1 drink is approximately 100 calories (1.5 oz of hard alcohol or wine or beer) if you have three that is 300 calories, if you have 10 that is equivalent to 1 pound of extra weight you have just put on. Remember 1 pound of body fat is 3500 calories, so the little extras really add up.

Last but not least, remember to have fun and be proud of your commitment to living a healthy lifestyle and remember to give thanks to those people and things around you that you feel proud to be around or have accomplished this year!



Allyse's Testimonial


My experience at Endurance On 8th has been incredible.

Dr. Glen has freed me of upper back pain with dry needling and professional chiropractic work. The staff is professional, knowledgeable and extremely helpful. I recommend anyone who needs help improving their health and wellness to see the staff at Endurance :)

Thank you!


Clean Eating for Students! Nichelle's Transformation!



Over the past three months, Wendy Carvalho-Ashby has coached me throughout a transition I cannot explain in words.

I have dedicated my time towards reaching healthier lifestyle habits and working towards a physique of a fitness competitor. After years of competitive soccer, I had grown into an athletic body that was built for speed and had hit a point of plateau. I wanted to change my physique to become more balanced, and with the guidance of Wendy, I have begun the process of achieving this.

This process has been very eye opening and has given me a better understanding of why nutrition is so important. I now have a better relationship with food, which has become more of a fuel for my body rather than the center of social gatherings. Wendy has helped me to eliminate foods that I am sensitive to and gear me towards a healthier, long-term approach. I have learned to take each day at a time and to remember that with patience, I will reach my goals if I continue to work hard and stay motivated. I always remind myself why I train the way I do and if I slip one day that it’s not the end of the world but to get back on track and continue to see progress.

I wake up in the mornings feeling energized and eager to hit the gym for another great training session. Wendy, Thank you for all your motivation and support. I look forward to continuing this life changing process!

-Nichelle Ryan