Entries in Mom Transformations (14)


Cindi Goodjohn Mom Transformation: Top 5 Fitness, Top 3 Bikini Model!

" I could not be more thrilled with me transformation and experince with Endurance on 8th.  Not only have I met a great group of people and network of support, but I've gained the knowledge and ability to maintain a balanced and clean lifestyle.  I'm happier mentally and physically that I've ever been, and that says a lot as I'm probably under the most stress in my personal life than I've ever been.
I met with Wendy 7 weeks postpartum (I was a bit eager to start feeling myself again!).  Wendy put me on a nutrition and at home workout plan that I could manage while adjusting to limited hours of sleep and nursing (it was important to me that my personal fitness goals did not impact my ability to be able to nurse my baby).  It was great working with Wendy as she understood what I was going through and was very cautious about ensuring my babies need came first, but at the same time, helping me to see results!  
After a month of clean eating and getting back into a workout routine, I met with Wendy again and decided to train for NPAA competition.  Having a goal of walking on stage at 7 months postpartum was a huge motivator (and intimidator!)  Wendy ensured that all of my workouts could be done in my (very pathetic) at home gym while my little guy napped.  She anticipated things that I never thought about (night time baby feeding's that caused me to be extra hungry) - Wendy prepared me with solutions so that I knew exactly what to do!  And if something ever came up that I was unsure of, she was always just an email away to answer my questions (which there were many closer to stage day!).  I've never felt so comfortable in my own skin and know that I never would have been able to achieve these results without the help of Wendy.  
I've worked out my entire life, and yet I've never seen the type of results I've seen working with Wendy as my coach.  By doing the right types of workouts along with a nutrition plan that was tailored for me I saw almost immediate results.  For me this means eating right, most of the time...  But at the same time, I enjoy my wine and coffee creamer - Wendy just helped me figure out how to manage everything properly!" 



Congratulations To Endurance on 8th's Athlete Yvette Styner For Being CTV Calgary's Athlete Of The Week (May 2013)

Click "Here" to watch the video!


Peggy Cave's Mom Transformation

My journey started after having my daughter, about 19th months ago, and I weighed 200lbs.  I was feeling like a “fat” mom.  Let’s keep in mind that I have been 10 years in the fitness industry teaching various classes and so involved to a point where I would teach about 8 classes per week.  I taught often, and I had lost quite a bit of weight but there were two parts of the puzzle missing, they were the ones that I struggled with the most…weight training and diet. 

I was challenged to enter fitness competition and I did.  It was a new goal and it was time to take things to the next level. Rule of thumb, if you want to be the best, train with the best you seek the best, so I sought the help of Endurance on 8th mainly because of their reputation in the fitness industry and Kevin had worked with a few friend s of mine that had amazing results!

As soon as I met Kevin I knew he was the coach for me, he was approachable, friendly, realistic, and knowledgeable.  He set me up with a nutrition and workout plan.  The best thing about is that it was a real plan eating properly balanced meals and no extreme cutting out of various foods.  Actually, I was able to have a cheat meal and dessert once a week…My fat melted away in a slow and safe matter and I was able to put on lean muscle mass.  Before I knew it I was ready for my competition.  I had Kevin’s unconditional support throughout the journey… even at the times I wanted to quit he was there to keep me motivated and accountable.  The great thing is that it was not just Kevin alone.  Wendy, his wife, also supported me.  It was a tag team of husband and wife caring for their clients.  I completed my first completion on October 22, 2011 and I am starting to plan for 2012.  Thanks Kevin and Wendy, you two are awesome, supportive and true mentors to the sport of fitness.  Let’s rock 2012!!!

Peggy Cave


Dr. Wendy Carvalho-Ashby's Amazing Mom Transformation

36-year-old mother of a little guy who is 10 months old. First time mom, Doctor of Chiropractic, Fitness professional and 1/2 of Calgary’s fit couple. I have found that it takes a lot of planning to find that one hour a day for yourself! My tip is to walk as many times during the week that you can with your baby, nursing is excellent for your baby and for returning your body back to your pre-pregnancy figure, and with careful planning it is important to include yourself on your list of things to accomplish each day! Also it takes 9 months for your body to grow a baby, so be patient and give yourself the time post-baby to get your figure back, if you stick to your goal, don’t worry it will happen!

Tip to Staying in Fit and Balancing Being a Mom: BE CONSISTENT, PATIENT AND SET SOME GOALS

For new moms remember if you stick to your goal of leading a healthy lifestyle and getting your pre-baby figure back, your consistency will pay off, don't worry it will happen! I Have found that taking my baby for long walks, balanced with good nutrition, nursing and weight training a few times per week has boosted my energy levels and helped me spring back into shape. The best reward of it all is I have the energy to keep up with my little boy!

Egg White Omelette (serve 4 egg whites/person)

We love eggs! They are so fast to cook, packed with protein, affordable and delicious.

  1. Whip up Egg whites with your favourite spices
  2. Sauté zucchini, onions, green peppers in non-stick fry pan, (can coat pan with Pam Spray
  3. Pour Egg white mixture on veggies and cook until firm
  4. Grate a table spoon of low fat cheddar cheese over omelette
  5. Serve on Wasa Crisp Bread or Whole Grain Toast!

Trish Mangone-Kish's Amazing Mom Transformation

Hi my name is Trish and I’m 31 years old. I’ve been competing now for 5 years. I started competing after I had my first 2 kids who were 1 and 3 years old at the time. I was hooked after I did my first competition. I just took last year off to have another baby who is 10 months old and I’m planning on doing another competition May 7th. I love living a healthy lifestyle and I encourage my family to do the same. Healthy eating and being active plays a huge role in our everyday life.


I balance my healthy lifestyle by making it a daily priority. I want to set a good example for my children.

Protein Pancakes

We love to eat these for breakfast - and so do our kids! They pack and travel great as a snack.

Ingredients (makes 10 pancakes):

3.5 Cups Oatmeal (you can adjust this to change the consistency/thickness)
16 Egg Whites (500g carton, you can pick these up at Wal Mart, Costco, etc.)
500 ml Cottage Cheese (1% or Fat Free)
1 tbsp. Vanilla (adjust this to your taste preference)
1 tbsp. Cinnamon (adjust this to your taste preference)
1 tbsp. Splenda Sweetener (adjust this to your taste preference)
Mix all ingredients together. (You can blend oatmeal, cottage cheese and egg whites for a more "smooth pancake look"). Cook at medium temp in a pan prepared with cooking spray. Portion using 1/2 cup measuring cup for accurate nutritional/calorie values. Lightly brown on both sides. (Approximately 2-3 minutes per side) Serving suggestions: Add sugar free syrup, jam, or sliced fruit.