Entries in Competition Prep (42)


First Week Weigh-in for Endurance 8 Fit Camp

So our E8-Fit Campers survived their first week...

We are training 6 ladies including our Biggest Loser Contestant Stacy and charting their progress with regular weigh-ins. We are so proud of the amazing energy that these ladies bring to each of their workouts.

Here are some highlights from the first week:
1. all of the ladies showed fierce ability doing stairs, and when one of the contestants was having a little bit of difficulty, all of the other girls cheered her on! What amazing spirit!!!

2. after one week of training the ladies of lost collectively an amazing 31 pounds!!!

We are so proud of you ladies and know you are going to reach your goals.


Best Alternative Cardio for Weight loss

Hi Everyone,

So Kevin, Wendy and BT's Biggest loser contestant Stacy were on location this morning shooting live from World Health Club. Stacy has been doing her Endurance on 8th Fit Camp (for more details go to our website http://www.endurance8health.com/), and spending time doing Cardio at the Bay Club.


We are often asked, how do I do cardio if I am stuck at home or don't have cardio equipment?

Here are some tips

1. Jog in place holding some dumbells (good substitution for treadmill)

2. Walk up and down on a step, hold some weights (replacing the eliptical or stepper)

3. Mountain Climbers, hold dumbells in a push up position, and jog legs in and out (replacing the bike)

4. Remember to have fun! Even if you are just dancing at home get that heart rate up and burn burn burn those calories away!

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