Entries in Competition Prep (42)


Straighten Up Alberta!!!

Having posturing issues, back pain, or general discomfort? Here are some simple daily exercises proven to improve your health!



Need more help?

Call us at (403)265-8383 to schedule an appointment with

Dr. Kevin Ashby, Dr. Wendy Carvalho-Ashby, or Sacha Lay today!!!


Join The Endurance Fit Stairs Bootcamp Today!!!

We are happy to announce that the 5:30 pm Endurance Fit Stairs Bootcamp will run for 6 weeks this fall! Starting September 30th, cost $185 and it will run 2 days per week (Mondays and Wednesdays)! If you need a reason to train, eliminate the post-Summer bulge, or want to get ready for a photo shoot join us this fall for the Bootcamp!

Please call us at 403-265-8383 or email info@endurance8health.com to register!

Success Story - Registered Massage Therapy at Endurance on 8th Health Centre 

Just wanted to say THANKS for all the quality massage treatments at Endurance on 8th Health Centre, and for the great job keeping the practice running so smoothly. The massage treatments are an integral part of my training and recovery regimen as a weekend warrior cyclist, and tonight I was able to cap off a good 2013 race season with a 2nd place finish at the Jason Lapierre criterium held in downtown Calgary.

- Masa Higuchi


Congratulations To Endurance on 8th's Athlete Yvette Styner For Being CTV Calgary's Athlete Of The Week (May 2013)

Click "Here" to watch the video!


Body Composition Analyses Available at Endurance on 8th Health Centre!

Unsure of how to keep yourself accountable to your fitness and wellness goals? Try having a Body Composition and/or Fitness Test at Endurance on 8th Health Centre every month to stay on track! Our team will ensure that you focus more on just "the scale," which may be intimidating for some people. Phone (403)265-8383 to schedule your Fitness Assessment today!

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