Entries in Competition Prep (42)


Amy's Testimonial


I had the privilege of working with Dr. Kevin Ashby for 10 weeks leading up to my first figure competition – the NPAA Canada Championships & Magnum Instincts Pro Show!


Kevin developed a structured meal plan for me, which evolved throughout the preparation process, to adapt to the changes in my physique and condition. The emphasis on eating a high volume of nutritious, clean and balanced foods was easy to understand and to buy into - and I believe that the overall delivery of this plan encouraged a healthy attitude towards eating throughout the preparation process.


Kevin's training programs were dynamic and challenging – but satisfying as well - as I was able to work my way up to completing workouts, and increasing my weights and training volume. From my training with Kevin, I saw improvements in my strength and endurance throughout the prep process, and was able to maintain my muscle mass into the competition.


Kevin’s reputation in this sport is well-earned; and his passion, integrity and strong foundation in fitness and nutrition went a long way towards making my competition preparation a positive and healthy experience.


Thank you, Kevin!




Amy Phinney


Clean Eating for Students! Nichelle's Transformation!



Over the past three months, Wendy Carvalho-Ashby has coached me throughout a transition I cannot explain in words.

I have dedicated my time towards reaching healthier lifestyle habits and working towards a physique of a fitness competitor. After years of competitive soccer, I had grown into an athletic body that was built for speed and had hit a point of plateau. I wanted to change my physique to become more balanced, and with the guidance of Wendy, I have begun the process of achieving this.

This process has been very eye opening and has given me a better understanding of why nutrition is so important. I now have a better relationship with food, which has become more of a fuel for my body rather than the center of social gatherings. Wendy has helped me to eliminate foods that I am sensitive to and gear me towards a healthier, long-term approach. I have learned to take each day at a time and to remember that with patience, I will reach my goals if I continue to work hard and stay motivated. I always remind myself why I train the way I do and if I slip one day that it’s not the end of the world but to get back on track and continue to see progress.

I wake up in the mornings feeling energized and eager to hit the gym for another great training session. Wendy, Thank you for all your motivation and support. I look forward to continuing this life changing process!

-Nichelle Ryan 









Two New E8 Fitcamps This September! Register Today!

Ready to get back into shape?  Join our Fitcamps today!!!


1.  Strength & Shape Fitcamp!

Where: Endurance on 8th Health Centre Studio

When: Mondays & Wednesdays 

Time: 5:15 pm - 6:00 pm 

Start Date: September, 2015

Instructor: Lara Schamotta

2.  Boxing and Conditioning Fitcamp! 

Where: Endurance on 8th Health Centre Studio

When: Tuesdays & Thursdays

Time: 5:15 pm - 6:00 pm 

Start Date: September, 2015

Instructor: Sam Medina

All of our programs are designed to give you tone in the right places, improve on proper body mechanics at the same time working on your cardiovascular system!

Each class is limited to 5-6 people so hurry!

Click here to register or call us at 403-265-8383 to save your spot.  You may also register online here today!


Trending on Shaw Interview with Dr. Kevin Ashby

Please tune in to Shaw Channel 10 (Calgary) at 10:00 am on Friday, December 5, 2014 where Dr. Kevin Ashby will be discussing the history of the Natural Physique & Athletics Association (NPAA).  He will also recap the successful NPAA Canada Championships & Magnum Instincts Pro Show, which took place at the University Theatre (University of Calgary) on November 8, 2014!  Congratulations to all the Team Endurance Athletes who competed very well in this event!  All of the athletes were inspiring and deserve tremendous praise for the hard work they put on display that day.  This Is Our Sport! 

For more information, please go to http://shaw.ca/ShawTV/Calgary/Shows/TrendingOnShaw/ or click "here"


NPAA Workshop - March 8, 2014

Please join us on March 8, 2013 for our competition preparation workshop in Calgary in preparation for the upcoming NPAA Canada Classic! Last March, we had 125+ athletes from across Canada travel to attend our workshops in Calgary and British Columbia for the NPAA March Madness Super Weekend!

Do not miss this opportunity to learn from the best! Our NPAA Workshops are the #1 most attended and athlete/coach-endorsed seminar in the industry! Over the last 7 years 1000+ athletes have graduated from our workshops and shined on the competition stage. Our delivery is non-intimidating, fun, athlete/coach-focused, and full of information that every competitor needs to succeed on the competition stage and onward.

Expect the highest standards of competition preparation... We don't just teach simple posing... We teach you how to compete... We introduce you to the best vendors in the industry... We provide the best swag, prizes, and scholarships because NATURALLY you deserve nothing but the best!

NPAA Workshop vendors and sponsors include:
Endurance on 8th Health Centre
Magnum Nutraceuticals
Dynamis Fitness and Lifestyle Inc.
Official NPAA Photographer, Tim Dardis Photography 
CABA Fashions Competition Suit and Active Wear 
Mipstick Boutique Competition Shoes and Accessories
Bronze Baxx Tanning Studio 

Registration for the NPAA Workshop (Calgary) is open at http://npaa.ca/events/npaa-workshop-bodybuilding-physique-figure-model-march-8-201.html

Expect excellence... Become the best natural athlete you can be... THIS IS OUR SPORT!