Entries in Success Stories (37)


FIT and Fabulous in your 50's

Betty Maloney's Story:

I first met Wendy in November 2008 to discuss my desire to enter a figure competition but it took a year to quiet the voice in my head called ‘doubt” before I was able to finally make the commitment......but she was waiting for me! It was like she knew I’d be back and from day one she was the support I needed to reach my goal. Wendy was there for me, with her warm smile, encouragement, knowledge, and experience to get me ready for my first competition in May 2010. I’d been into weight training for a number of years and have even become a personal trainer, but there is definitely something to be said about working with a trainer who has competed before and who has the the hands on experience of being on stage. Wendy brought that and so much more to our time together. She put together comprehensive weight workouts, cardio programs, and clean eating menus for me to follow. We met every two weeks at her office for a workout/progress report. Sometimes we worked out and sometimes she was there to just hear me out and give me the confidence I needed to continue towards my goal. During our 20 weeks together she was not only my trainer but she became my friend and I’m so grateful for the privilege of working with her. Wendy is off on maternity leave, so I’m now working with Kevin, the other half of what is truly an amazing team. I’m enjoying my journey with Kevin (and Wendy is never too far away ) and we are focusing on the weaker areas of my body so that if I decide to compete again I've improved my symmetry.


Endurance on 8th Health Wins Jill Belland's City TV Biggest Loser Challenge!





Stacy York is Calgary's BT's Biggest Loser Challenge Winner!
So after 12 weeks of Endurance on 8th Fit Camps, Stacy York was crowned BT's Biggest Loser! Stacy Started at around 224 lbs and achieved 169 lbs on game day, that is an incredible 55 lbs in 12 weeks, congrats Stacy! and congrats to all of the women who competed in the Breakfast TV Weight Loss Challenge!

For more information about Endurance on 8th Health Centre Fit Camps and Nutritional Coaching please contact us at (403)265-8383 or email info@endurance8health.com





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