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Madeline's Testimonial


When I first approached Kevin and Wendy, my nutrition and training were pretty good. Basically, my mindset going into coaching with them was wanting to know how much I should be eating and how much cardio I should be doing while preparing for my first NPAA competition. I’m happy to report, I walked away with so much more than that. Working with Kevin and Wendy I learned the importance of nutrient timing, lifting tempo, negative weight training, training intensity/density, and how my body responds to certain foods. Was I 100% perfect every day? Absolutely not, but this isn’t about being perfect – it’s a learning process. Learning what works for my body.


Over the course of 14 weeks, I also managed to learn a lot about myself using the tools that Kevin and Wendy gave me. I learned to push myself far past my comfort zone and I can accomplish any goal. It’s up to me. This whole process has been very eye opening and goes to show you how vital of a role nutrition plays a part in determining your physique. I’ve struggled with weight my whole life. Growing up a was extremely overweight and didn’t come to realize it until high school ended. Since then I’ve tried A LOT of different ‘diets’ but none of them stuck. It’s wasn’t until I found weight lifting that I understood what it really meant to make this a lifestyle that I actually enjoy living. Working out isn’t a punishment you must endure for eating food. Fueling your body properly should allow you to perform at its best while killing it in the gym. My mindset has totally changed.

"Kevin and Wendy understand that you need balance and have a life outside of the gym...."

Over the years I’ve also managed to accumulate a few injuries here and there, which affect my knees, hips, lower back, and shoulder. Kevin was able to modify my plan to make it work for my body and my limitations, which turned out not to be limitations because I could work past them. Watching and listening to other girls go through competition prep you hear them talking about doing 2-3 hours of cardio a day on top of weight training, eating nothing but chicken and broccoli, and rarely (if ever) getting to eat a cheat meal on their plans. I’m happy to say I was the complete opposite of this. Kevin and Wendy understand that you need balance and have a life outside of the gym. They believe in working harder not longer, meaning that both the intensity and density of workouts are high! All of this in combination attributed to me having a healthy and sane prep leading up to the competition.

I’m very grateful to have worked with two such wonderful people. The whole Endurance Team is so supportive, and they are truly there to help you every step of the way. But the support doesn’t stop when the show is over! I walked away with a plan of action for after the competition in terms of training and nutrition as well. A BIG thank you to Kevin and Wendy for helping me these past few months, who helped me in more ways than I can express through words. I’m eager to see how I can continue to improve my strength and endurance from here, and live this lifestyle long-term while working towards my goals as an NPAA athlete.

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    Response: shred unwanted fat
    shred your weight easy
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    Response: 2017 ford cars
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    To tell the truth it is not an easy task to maintain our health and fitness as the fast food these days and the food full of calories destroy our fitness so we should keep in check our neutrinos and fitness exercise.

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