Success Story -- Blair Piercey

I have been exercising for the past 10 years and have lost weight but struggled to maintain the weight loss would end up gaining it back within a month. I kept asking myself what I am doing wrong.
In just 10 weeks of following the advice and meal/exercise plan Kevin created for me, I lost 37lbs! I went from 220lbs to 183lbs and from 42 to 34 inches around my abdomen, for a total of 8 inches lost. In addition, I also dropped 6-7% body fat.
Kevin was the last piece of the puzzle in my life to assist in living a healthier lifestyle and for all my fitness endeavourers. He completely changed the way I view healthy eating in relation to just day to day living as well as from a training perspective. I did not just receive a plan from Kevin, he completely re-educated me about food, exercise and how to maintain a healthier lifestyle.
Thanks Kevin, I look forward to setting new goals. I’ve discovered that no goal is unattainable with your continual knowledge and support.