Entries in Success Stories (37)


Sam Kelts - Born To Move

Sam Kelts, the saddle bronc rider from the Born to Move video, has shared his physiotherapy story. Raised in a rodeo family and competing in 100 rodeos a year, Sam has seen his fair share of injuries. With the help of physiotherapy, Sam is still able to compete.

Sam's story is the third in a series as Physiotherapy Alberta explores the physiotherapy stories of the people featured in their ‪#‎borntomove‬ video and others.

Please click the above image to view his story!


Jaymi's Testimonial

In October 2015 I started a new job and quickly realized that a staple of our office culture was to ensure that we had on hand, at all times, every snack food imaginable! You name it, we had it. This lead to almost daily overindulgence and after a few short months I had gained several pounds. My clothes no longer fit and I felt miserable knowing that I had blatantly ignored the scale and was now paying the price. *Queue multiple morning wardrobe changes* Ugh..

When I received the email from Endurance advertising the New Year, New You challenge, I decided immediately that I would enrol regardless of the cost. The greatest barrier for me in regards to weight loss and keeping weight off is accountability. When I lack accountability, to myself or anyone else, I gain weight. What I loved about this challenge, even more than the carefully structured meal plans and training regimes, was that I had to take a picture of myself every week and email it to Wendy. For me, knowing that I had to take that picture and send it to a third party was immensely motivating. Slowly, I started to see results which added to that motivation. Before long, I started feeling accountable to myself and was proud of what I was accomplishing. The nutrition plans ensured I rarely felt hungry but rather, satisfied. The training programs were comprehensive and although I had to make some minor adjustments (with guidance and permission from Wendy), I found them fun and even started to look forward to my post-work workout. LOVE this!

From participating in this challenge I learned a few invaluable things. First, when it comes to my weight, I live by accountability. I will continue to take a weekly picture and my measurements to keep an eye on my progress and to ensure I don’t ignore my health again. Food prep played a huge role in my success. A couple of hours on Sunday set the tone for nutritious eating throughout the week. Eating the occasional snack still happened but I accounted for it and didn’t beat myself up over the slip. Paying attention to my caloric intake and macros have also become habit and this is another form of accountability.

Finally, I want to thank Wendy and Kevin for providing this service as it really does work if you are dedicated and trust the process. Going to the gym regularly and proper nutrition have once again become a fundamental part of my lifestyle. Although the challenge is over, the residual effect is that I intend to improve; to keep going, become more knowledgeable about nutrition and weight training and to become the strongest and healthiest version of myself yet. 








Allyse's Testimonial


My experience at Endurance On 8th has been incredible.

Dr. Glen has freed me of upper back pain with dry needling and professional chiropractic work. The staff is professional, knowledgeable and extremely helpful. I recommend anyone who needs help improving their health and wellness to see the staff at Endurance :)

Thank you!


Shaunacee's Testimonial

"Fall in love with the progress and the results will show." 

This is a quote that I hold on very close too, that I use to remind myself everyday, and now truly believe I live everyday. 
Wendy has not only helped me reach my goals in fitness, but has helped me create a healthier lifestyle overall. Throughout my entire career of athletics and sports, I have never had so much ambition and determination as I do today.  
I had reached out to Wendy at the beginning of the new year with a goal to compete in a fitness competition. Without hesitation she had taken me underneath her wing. With her words of wisdom and encouragement, she has helped me pursue that goal of competing at that next level of high intensity fitness.  
With her knowledge for the organization, and passion for the sport, she has undoubtably inspired me to be my very best! I have completely grown into a more healthy, energized, enjoyable lifestyle that I love! Throughout the weeks of meal prep and training my ambition and confidence grew more and more.  
This journey through meal prep and dieting has been amazing. I have learnt so much about myself, and how disciplined I can be with my diet.  I have gained nothing but confidence and happiness!  With Wendy always challenging me, and with my ambition to do so, I will accomplish anything I set my mind too!
I would truly like to thank Wendy and the rest team Endurance for changing my life!  

Congrats To Our First Online New Year New You Challenge Winner!

Congratulations to our first New Year New You challenge winner!!

An incredible kickstart to a healthier 2016, Kari Lynn lost over 37 cm in 6 weeks and got her health and fitness back on track.

Click here to join our
summer challenge! 

Click here for more information!